I do not know what to say.


I do not know what to do.

On 29 November, in the hall of GMM Grammy Place, there will be a press conference for "Oh My God Concert". Kwanpatarath Join the press conference. The interview was updated after confirming that there was no pleading. Zen – Megha Su Pichayangkul Anchors of Channel 3 news, including news. Derrick The young star follows the old girl. ิ – – – – – – – Example justified Mahisorn Do you know?

Kwan Phat
Phatthana Injoy

After the interview, I did not hesitate. The presenter of the channel "Zen – Meagga" Channel 3 has already spoken.
"A normal conversation does not change anything, we're friends too, but we have to send feedback that says we have news like this." He understood No encouragement He knew what we We did not hurt anything We are friends Do not break anything But enough points There may be many people who ask

Kwan Phat
ิ – – – – – – – Example justified Mahisorn

We must leave the distance as a friend.
"No, we've been friends for a long time, one day there was news, we do not do anything different from ourselves, we're happy to talk like we did, but people can focus on us because it's news, but we're friends I do not know what the next opportunity will be But today is a friend Happy I do not know how to focus, but it does not affect not the relation.As a friend, the same.As a friend, eat the same. "

Have you ever been in a relationship? Because some people may not want us to have fans.
"He did not tell us because he did not want to make us feel uncomfortable, but I know there are, we do not shine But he has long been quoted as saying that there was something that had been sent to him directly, and I do not want to have anything like that with him, he's never met that, I'm going to feel sorry too. "

Think we hold this point. Will we be in a hurry to have a girlfriend?
"Yes, when are we going to eat?" If we have a girlfriend, people may think differently, because now the social world is doing what it takes to take pictures and it's easy We've been in this business for 9 years now, but enough to grow, it's down there. "

We have a discussion with Derrick – we talked to him.
I have to send it offline. That's why I like you. He said I do not know. I have to ask him. "

Have you seen the news?
"We do not like the normal. We are really friends. What do you expect one for the other? And seeing him himself is beautiful, beautiful night, have a good job, succeed in a lot of things, we are happy with him. And if one day he meets someone else well. We are happy with him."

Phil is not jealous, is not it?
"No sir."

Need help to filter the boys. Will you come
"I'm not going to help filter out, we do not have a lot of contact like before, but he'll have brothers." It's a gang, he's a filter, we do not have to to worry about that. "

There are people who have sex with dark-skinned men.
"Yes, (laughs) Derrick is too strong I do not know how to do it I do not know I have to look good."

Thank you for ike: thivaritthisa, zen_mechaka, punjanprama

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