I do not know what to say. The sooner it is released (the clip)


Being a soldier is more than just thinking. For singers like Shinhyung, the actor has a lot of experiences. The discipline itself. New friends And many good friends and young people have gone through everything including happiness, suffering, fatigue and tears, especially the incident that must lose a close friend in the Department of No Return [19659002] by Shindong opened. With Woody on the WOODY list to have a friend in a department named Basa, who, just a few months, Chin and Bass will train. But it happened unexpectedly that basketball never came back. During the young Shin told the story of Bass. This is my first post. Be Unconditional Friends is very hardcore, he is a basketball guy who is open. A lovely person Speak comfortably I know we are open.

Speak to each other. The more you practice, the more you speak, the closer you are to that person. I have not asked for anything, we have not known each other for 1 year with 8 months, never ask for anything just once. But he is very good. We want to be close. If I saw a military figure in IG [Image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] I remember that it was a good fit. Because it is the day of the year, wake up on January 1, around 8am to 9pm. We have not received a phone call. If you do not accept this call,

recalls. The sound is dark. We think that. I must be heavy. I'm not sure that's a good idea. We just have a video together. He is with his friends. With his grandchildren Next, we just have a video together. I do not know what to do, but I do not know what to do. This is not the time for basketball, but four months have already been dissolved.

What happened to Bass?

"Motorcycle accident that time to leave.Feight I have a job to earn money.To take this person.Return to the photo Go to work here.Everything Because they want to send money to the family.

He did not sleep Then, return the motorcycle to the department at four o'clock .This is a must have. Accident was a lung-ripped helmet I'm going to get a rough draft at Siriraj hospital, I'm going to the department.To get the clothes of all the basketball.

Do you have spoke to your mother?

"My mother hugged me first, Shinbase, it was surely when I saw her. I do not know how to say it. It's like a lot of that. I like that, it's a nice guy, I do not want it to happen.

But that makes us learn that. Let's do good to everyone. This has taught me how to do it. His departure made me realize. We do not know I have a friend who is good.

I think I arrived 27 years ago. We do not know. We will meet good people. It is at this time that the second is made without hope, there will be people who love others can touch. And that's really the case. I have it in my life. And now he's still here.

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