I do not know why. "Iwona in AC Milan on loan.


Gonzalo Higuain leaves Juventus "Zebra" to join the "Red Devil" AC Milan with a loan agreement for a season …

On July 31, Gonzalo Ignacio plays in the Argentine national team. The decision to leave the "zebra" Juventus to join the "Red Devil" AC Milan with a loan contract for a season

. Ignite in the news. Until recently everything is over. When the star of the 30-year-old Argentine national team decided to sign a loan for a season to move to "Black Devil" AC Milan, a rival of Serie A Italy, with a proposal to buy a deficit in 2019-20, too.

In addition In the transfer of this team of iguanas. There will be a loan replacement team by Leonardo Bonucci, the Italian national team will switch from AC Milan to live with Juventus.

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