I drive the face to shoot the face of the lawyer, the ransom quoted for 3,500 yen.


Do not give money at all! A bunch of rappers rushing into the face The 3.5 million guard from the front of the video captures the victim at home. The bad guys are clamoring because they're holding amphetamines. I do not want to return

from the case. CCTV at Pirom Road Facing the governor of Kalasin, while he was capturing the Chevrolet brand, Gray was driving a car in front of a Toyota brand bronze. Before the two men wore red shirts. A man is holding a knife about a foot long, trying to attack the victim. And the car kick pedal. Then there was an Isuzu pickup truck, followed by a man joined to pull the hair of a girl.

Later, at 18:00 on July 11, 61, Mr. Kraisorn Kiattig, Governor of Kalasin Province, Mr. Charnchai Sornsriwichai, Viscount Kalasin, Mr. Ratchapong Srichanan, Chief Administrative Officer of the City of Kalasin arrested Manasak Udompan or Aunt Sarawut, aged 23, from Khon Kaen province, Surasak Chancheng or Pim, aged 20, from Kalasin province. And Mr. Thanarat Phu Chokchai or the 23-year-old chance, the Kalasin province. One of the central amphetamines. The three people driving in front of the victim.

Colonel Theerapat Thareatai said that after the incident, the relatives of the wounded came to inform this. City of Kalasin In this case, CCTV. Can capture the crime scene clearly. And there is a good city that can shoot clips while the bad guy did it. In the clip, a Chevrolet sedan driver came in and slapped the victim's car. He sat down with two other men and seated on the driver's side. Before the two men wore red shirts. A man is holding a knife about a foot long, trying to hurt the victim.

"Then there was a van joined by a man on the victim.Then take the van to escape to bring the captives into the street warehouse at the entrance of the Don Amphoe Kalasin and order to call the relatives and relatives of the victims.

Colonel Theerapat also stated that after the incident, he could follow the victim. Return safely with the l & # 39; 39 arrest of three Chevrolet rescue vehicles, the amphetamine detainees were detained in a hotel in Mahasarakham province, where the accused was opened as a medical arrest

.It is when a friend tried to lead a bunch of villains [Image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] Link to the message – Top of the page IP: Connected Join with two other friends who escape The cause of the pull The young woman went to pay the ransom. spend 350,000 baht on ammunition casualties.The past several temptation He evaded everything This must be strictly enforced. By the car pull up

. Officials jointly charged drug category 1 (amphetamine) in possession for illegal distribution. And detained (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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