I go to the aquarium checklist.


On July 24, General Kosol Prathumthong, advisor to the Ministry of Education, As Vice President of the Internal Reform Commission, Ministry of Education (ME) revealed that , according to Dr. Thirakiat Charn Setthasil Education Assigned to the Office of Legal Affairs, the Office of the Permanent Secretary to make a summary of the investigators of the Discipline Committee involved in the Aquaculture Center or Aquatic Center construction project. Songkhla Aquatic Training College, under the jurisdiction of the Commission of the Office of Vocational Training (ECDC) after the investigation team Aquarius Songkhla has completed phase two. Discussions with the Legal Office. It's a good thing. In the process of creating a disciplinary commission, it would be difficult. Because there are a lot of affiliates. And the information does not clearly link the offender. He can not identify the offender. Therefore, the disciplinary commission can not be established. There is no committee set up to investigate early, so there is a two-way solution: use the power of the Ministry of Information to identify the fault by using the firm's information d & # 39; lawyers. Another way

"I think we should be able to count on a new committee to investigate new developments." I do not know what to do, "he said. It is expected that it will not take long.There is information from the audit team of the investigation.On July 25, the guidelines will be discussed with. , the final conclusion of the findings The results of the inquiries were presented Gen Prayuth Chunyacha, Prime Minister, for the power to appoint the Discipline Committee.There are many people inside and out. Outside the school, the prime minister can use the power to form a disciplinary committee (F, B, E, V, N, T, S).
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