I have a 6 year old girl with a gun.


Police in Indiana, United States, said the shot was fired on Friday night (July 13). Washington, DC

The investigation revealed that before the accident The father of the child cleans the gun in the house, thinking that the ammunition was removed. But inverted Canon shot at the head of the girl **

The investigation revealed that before the accident The father of the child cleans the gun in the house, thinking that the ammunition was removed. But reversed

The child was taken to the hospital. Send to the Norton Louisville Children's Hospital is approximately 64 km away.

Police investigate the case, but do not think at the outset that there is a clue. The agent did not reveal whether there would be any charges or not.

Handbook and procedures on firearms Remind the owner Must ensure that the weapon is still ammunition. And turn to the safe direction before starting to clean, nevertheless, firearm accidents when wiping firearms.

In 2013, a man in North Carolina A 10-year-old son is shot while cleaning his gun

The 2015 Pennsylvania police chief is dead

2560 employees in a Texas shootout shoot on a victim wiping a shotgun. And last month, that. Two men in Burlington North Carolina Cleaning weapons too. Accidental A bullet from a rifle slammed into the abdomen of another. He died

According to the statistics of the centers of control and prevention of diseases, there were in 2015 489 deaths due to armed crime. Of these, nearly 50 are victims aged 14 or younger.

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