I have a lot of rosewood rosewood.


Lampang Forest Trailer Trailer Teak Trailer Wood Rosewood Rosewood Container Full Value no less than 5 million. Have a show Le vieux bois Dismantle Report inappropriate content Save this message

On July 19 at 9 am, Mr. Chukiat Pongsiriwan, Director of Forest Resources Management Bureau No. 3, Lampang, in collaboration with Forest Protection and 9 (Khun Wang) Police Officer Investigation Department of the Lampang police officer special combat unit more than 30 cliff gates in the home inspection number 366/1 Moo 9 Baan Rongkrong , Rongkham, Wang Noi, Lampang. Knowing that there are container trucks.

There are several types of wood processing in the region. Hardwood And 500 rosewood trim in the number of these are the size of a large 40-inch Prada wood.Later, Mr. Amporn 65 years old to introduce himself as a homeowner. All the wood of the old house was built in the year 2557 demolished to be built in the area. Province of Lampang

M. Chukiat Pongsiriwan, Director of Bureau of Forest Management No. 3 (Lampang) For the expert to check again. To make it clear that the old wood. But he noted that there are many bans. They also organize the transport of wood by container. It can be connected to a multinational network. However, the experts came back. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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