After NARARRATICYYYY published a post that has a former singer Rs. I was almost dead because of an infection after surgery in Korea.
After that, it turned out that the singer is a young singer at Nara's post.
which corresponds to the girl who posted on Instagram on June 1, 61, recounted the experience of surgery in Korea.
After the surgery, the surgery is not the same. Because the nerves of muscle tissue damage. Painful Hard Work It is said that if someone is going to have surgery, I do not want to have any problems like that to consult. Then the message was removed.
And in the IG, in the early years, Meiranan posted: "A month has passed, I have to endure the pain of suffering
and come to an unexpected point, I have to risk life with death several times.I need surgery for 3 lives in the ICU room for several days.
Whenever I need surgery.I must be patient and always think that it will be good, what will be impossible? I must breathe to the mother who loves me the most in this life.And the life of me is mother.The life of my mother is [19659002] Meth not afraid of death I do not want to hurt anymore but … And if it's not going to fight on this planet? The mother did not leave. And so sad and so painful, death and death, it's hard for me to survive and overcome the hard times.
This event. Let me learn that. "The mother's love is great. And to live for the people we love.
It has been confirmed by the journalists. The incident at Naratakorn Post is the story of singer Mee Jiranan almost dead. Details I must say out loud. Because the story. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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