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Clip of celebrity clips of Hong Kong to support the Thai boar rescue team 13 live out of the safe winery

Facebook page of the Thai Consulate General in Hong Kong released clips of 3 celebrities from Hong Kong. The 13-horse boar in the cave – Khun Nam Nang

The three celebrities gave a brief speech in Thai, saying that the wild boar was safe, while the bear said: "We are Hong Kongers. Is a joy for the wild boar.In the same vein, Roger Woo said: "Please, encourage the team of boars and the team that helped Thailand to get better. beat. "

Since yesterday (8 July) The staff helped bring the team of wild boars into the cave and to send 4 people to Luang Chiang Rai Hospital and today ( July 9), the rescue operation continues.Function (f, b, b, c, b, c, e, v, n, t, s)
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