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"SEAT", organized the battle of P. Sanchai today.

Tawan shows the fee to win a million

Chucharoen – Kim Tigres – Sakarin Noi – Good

Lopburi Stage Tuesday, July 10) Is a boxing match by P. Sansai by promoter "Siew" Somchai Sritrungrueng pair boxing couple to watch the 500-1000-2000 baht "Chai Si" to criticize the following skills.

Blue One of the main strengths of boxing, punching, stabbing, punching, knee I will not be able to do that.

Daredevil, Petchinda, striking, stabbing, stabbing, punching, knee, elbow, fierce, have a chance to win the environment, encouraging better than beating Messi. I'm not sure that's a good idea. But the shape of the shock. I'm not sure that's a good idea. Yingluck Muaythai Muay Thai 130 (132)

Chao Chao Sword Run Raman (won the Rambo Diamond Dot) at boxing pace punch punch punch punch knee strike rough game wise. To win the Tananachai Rajanon (won the Rambo Diamond Point .I am not sure that it's a good idea.) Boxing, Punching, Stabbing, Knee Punch, Fight, Hit, Strong, Smart fresh form to win a million small I'm not sure it's a good idea I'm not sure it's a good idea (F, B, E, V, N, T, S)
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