I need to know! Model 55.5 Kg. Baby Bomb – Doo & # 39; Boxing The Hero


Do not Miss Boxing Fans [Nouvelles] [Nouvelles quotidiennes] [Nouvelles quotidiennes] Champagne Cat On Sunday, July 22, the fifth set will be held on the 32nd floor of the Maxima Stadium from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The boxing elbow demonstrates Dodo, red, sand, boxing, strong C is a boxing match that is in the interest of fans. Boxing

The Champagne Heather Chat Show Every Sunday Channel 32, 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Hold a contest in the form of a Muay Thai five-box Max Muay Thai, which focuses on the fun. On Sunday, July 22, the team placed a pair of kids in the bomb. Good boxing elbow. At the stage after the live form

is a boxer at the forefront. The elbow at any time, every second, the second type is not loose. Doo Daeng red duked duel sand fierce knee. Boxing is all about the knee. The knees are particularly heavy. The key is the big lung, the end of the shot does not stop a couple of interesting. Proving between boxing elbow and boxing knee. So prove The boxing elbow at the box or at the knee or boxing elbow will be defeated by the knee. We must follow

at the same time. The team has a couple of interesting boxing diamonds such as Sharky, Boxing, Gymnasiums, Blue Sky, Roaring Sword, Chedi, Glass, Andaman. Tak Tak Town, Sing Phraya Singh, armed with a scandal, A. Adisorn with Montien, Disciples, Monchai, Diamond, Nan, Disciple, Inspector. This is one of the fans. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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