I will try to get my hands dirty KUALA LUMPUR – KUALA LUMPUR


/ malaymail

acid hunting splash Get on the guy. Acid Hired Acid Hunt – Malaysia's website reported on July 11 that police in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia The raid on Raja Chulalong Road in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. Police also revealed that a victim had been splashed. The Malaysian Stock Exchange

/ malaymail

With the quest to find the cause of the acid splash in the capital. By the police believe.

  Acid Hunt
The Scrambled Garments of Malayalay

In addition, Mr. Rudy Abdullah, a police officer in Wangyuan Kuala Lumpur reported that the incident occurred. produced on 9 July, when police were notified at 18:35. The witness saw two men wearing a blue uniform. Wear a helmet on your face. Yamaha Motorcycle Brand According to the victim before splashing acid in the car through the glass of the car.

Then the victim splashed acidic water rushed out of the car. And shouting at someone to help.

Police investigate bad guys from CCTV cameras. In this area. He is also interviewed by the victims. To search for information about the prospect

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