I wish to express my gratitude to the Lao People's Democratic Republic.


2 weeks ago Lt. Dr. Niti Subhadan Ming Rujira University Take a group of friends at @ id @ ntp5 to see the Nam Hin 1 Dam at Hindustan. Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic and in the last two years. The team is open to the world. Lao People's Democratic Republic Study and film the documentary on the hydroelectric dam. Coal-fired power plants, agricultural projects, tourism projects High-speed trains from China and the Vang Vieng-Vientiane highway.

during the Lao PDR trip last rainy season, while standing on the Nam Tok Dam and the Nam Ngum Dam. @ Ntp5's friends feel the enormous power. Come back a few days, I know. The dam 8 m wide, 770 m high and 16 m high, collapse around the reservoir of the Xe-Pian Nam Xe hydroelectric power station and the mass of the water s & n 39; flows into the downstream zone.

On July 24, 2018, the Urdu District Government ordered the evacuation of flooded people, with an average flood of 15 meters. Floods of up to 10 villages in Saraburi. By writing a book, readers are now respected. There are 19 people killed and more than 100 missing.

The Sepia Dam completed 90 percent, and then began to collect water. Its goal is to start producing 410 megawatts of electricity for sale in Thailand.

District of Champasak and district of Atapudu Large dams used to produce electricity for sale to neighboring countries. The production of electricity is the main income. Laos is a country with many dams. Completed Both create And ready to build in the future when the concession period is over. All the dams will be devolved to the government of Laos. Laos is a country that will generate huge revenue through the sale of electricity. While Laotians have less than 10 million people think about per capita income. In the future, Laos will be the country with the highest average per capita income of the ASEAN community.

I followed the Nitipatthana lecturer at the seminary. Lao People's Democratic Republic several times. When people talk about the highest per capita income of ASEAN. He is often asked to raise his hand. Is the distribution of income justified? Most people live in the upper part of Laos

. In the media of Thailand, but we talk about traveling to help. Send money to everyone is concerned about the people affected by the disaster as a parent of theirs. In particular, @Internal @ ntp5, which has 36,286 members, whose two friends speak, but Lao PDR and began to mobilize. During the transfer of money abroad

The two events are saved by 13 wild boars in Luang Tham, Chiang Rai and the victims of the dam.
Laos makes me discover that we are not alone today. There are people who are willing to sacrifice. Help people when they suffered a lot in all countries

Ethnicity, politics, religion and ideology have become a thing of the past, today people are different from different ways. As one of the solutions to the problem during the disaster.

The sky blue sky open to express the sorrow of the lost family. And the people and the government of Lao PDR with offline.

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