Ice Apisara Open your heart! Why leave the high Chayanin.


In fact, the sexy actress – hostess Ice Apisasa Wongkha accepts The Mask Project A program on the workstation. I have to deal with fire management. According to the news came out earlier

I met the ice cream to attend "IGNITE Your Soul Uban" at the neighborhood. Avenue G floor Mall Emperor The reporters asked me what was the cause. This ice cream is ready to answer all the questions clearly.

Learn about the heart [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] We love each other. With this person, everyone will think that Hui. It 's a good idea, but today it' s the reason it 's wrong

In this case, it has a reason. If we look optimistic. All that happens is its benefits anyway. But now we can not know why it must be

. The ice will not stay with the past why. We went from the front. We just thought it had happened. What is it?

Do you speak to both?
"Ice, it must be both sides, because it also comes out on both sides.When it's done, we talk about it.Although the date of abandonment It may have some sad, we both regret it Nobody wants to be born

Ice is convinced that we are both eager to see the future Love to love But it was not enough to make it happen, because this was not enough of love. "

" not to be confused There is no break.Everything is rational

Thought previously planned to have a job with. [Image] [image] It was very long, but it was not ready yet I do not think the marriage is forever (forever).

Marriage It starts something in the life of another not.But that does not mean forever.If it is not ready at the moment, I do not want to dress, but now we have not no need for p arler of the past because it is now.

If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Ice cream is the icing on the cake. It's a good idea to make sure you have the right one. We are cultivated We do not feel the first time to regret love. We do not like to like each other very well. But when we separate and become another

when we have good hope. He was the one we loved the most. We liked it the most. I'm not sure if that's the case. He has some angles. But it's gone. If you decide to go with our own decision.

And then we are old. We do not have time to sit down. If we decide then. We must honor ourselves and then continue. "

Who is the person to resign before?
" with me.

Sorry for that?
"It's like saying I'm sorry, that day I knew that love was over, it can not go on."

Ice believes that everything happens to a reason. if we love each other.We will not be like that.What happens under the love We have to love each other, but love is not enough.It is like that, so you have to respect what's going on, that's the reason for that. "

" It was a really decisive decision. I do not know for myself that this decision is true

We do not want to say a lot either, stay with you until the day comes to a friend. 39 is a good idea to take a look at it.Why do you think that? Or find the reason with the same thing.It has its effects anyway.But we have also drowned in the same story why it was not On that day, our friends encouraged us. We see each other, that is what it really is. [/ QUOTE]

Because we have it all the time?
"Yes, he has been a big part of our lives, but how hard I have to say Oh, we have not had a chance to live yet, I think he died."

People like to think that this age has to be married, I have a feeling that people will see that day, I do not know what to do, think about what others will say, I think people will feel with us, but it's about the other people in our head that we'll answer the question.

Finally, we have to honor ourselves and love ourselves most. That's the reason for that which must This is not to say that women are good, but everyone can.

In fact, my thoughts change?
"Really? This is not the first time I see this. If there is a girlfriend, I rarely let in someone in my life. The ice cream is that it is a good thing. It's a good thing to have a good time. Take care of each other When it comes to dating, it does the best. This time, I look back.

Ice does not say that he is the best. But to go out with him. Ice is the most honorable man. And not open to anyone to talk to. It is not a good thing to do it. Now that I have met people, I will say that 0 people like people think people are pleading. I will not say it. The function of (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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