I'm good at boiling Suthin double boxing Thai style fight.


<img src = "http://static.siamsport.co.th/news/2018/07/08/news201807082015878.jpg" alt = "Sachin boasts of Suthin double boxing, the good Thai way" data- caption = "a good boil Suthin double match boxing Thai way." I took a trap trapped, but I stabbed the end of 4, but knee Sutin Kiat 4 back to the back, but only five hundred to speed up the fight hit the knee. Suthin hit the committee, warned against the tricks. This is a very good comeback to 5-1, but the tie lift has weathered the pair of Thai boxing matches on Sunday, July 8, 2018 at the Blue Box Arena. [Pour les membres seulement] Fight boxing Thai pair of good at Chaiyaphum Diamond (Red) Found Sutin Kiat Moo 4 (Navy) Coordinated 138 books Referee Judge Narong Thanachan first set the price still. Shin in pursuit, knee in arm. Sutin is the end of the jump, jump, knee, float, do it beautifully Two Sintin 10-9 .. Three hundred thousand speed up the machine in the knee. Suthin Pimple, knee fight, but still watch more than three hundred thousand back on 5-3, Suthin has accelerated the game. I do not know what to say. It's a lot of fights. I do not know what to do, but I do not know how to do it. Do not be tempted to fight a knee injury. But this is not the case. The rest of the way up to the knee again and again until the next 5-1 but it's up to the director to delay him by director Pongsak Kemsam, Thawatchai Thongrit still 48-48. Suthin won 49-48

Boxing around Thailand Seng, Toyota, Rayong (red), diamonds, Asean, Bangsaray (blue), 122 pounds, tornado ratings, 3-2. Every tornado every 3-2 to lift the trot, move the punch kick. The Diamond Dragon is bigger than the left tackle, the second half of the tornado to keep watching the end of the better than the trot 3. Walk to throw the sting caught in the leg kick. Dragon's diamonds through the ring on the outside of the ring in the lock to hit the big do not see it. Crusader immediately raised the three diamonds to 5-2.

raised four tornado hit the elbow hit the elbow hit the knee. Dragon diamonds are a good fight for the left kick, and bat in rebound. The price rises up to four diamonds trailing 6-1 at the last tornado bite punch stroke. The Diamond Dragon is not a target, kick the game to complete the game, the Diamond Dragon has won the pleasure with a score of 49-48, the three-voice director Pongsak Keys, Thawatchai Thongrit, 19659004] 105 rounds of the Blue Stage Arena, Malai Charnwitwit (red), good Nopparat (blue), 105 pounds, open the garland at 3-2, Thawatchai Thongrit First Malay Arbitrator has a large 2-1 flow, twice always been a match, that's the peak of the insect trapped in a tight trap. Fist I do not know how to walk, but also do not erase the two 8-1 Elite crowns to lift the top three to hit the punch. I have trouble. First, the pace of the chip is meant to excite fear. Garlands do not wait to speed up the chip, the dress is on the lower switch to the elite can not stand a long sleep. This was the final victory in the third round to win the 105-pound Blue Arena Arena to dominate

The other pair of Joseph boxing. The knee is not good in the middle of the fourth at 20-1, but the bite of the punch left punches punch up to Nana Park Nana Park before the Joseph to speed up the overcoming to win, the New Malai Chai. Window.fbAsyncInit = function () {FB.init ({appId: '1613601238683205', xfbml: true, version: 'v2.10'; (Function (d, s, id ) {var js; fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; if (d.getElementById (id)) {return;} js.id = id; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net /en_US/sdk.js "; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore (js, fjs);} (document, & quot; script, & quot; facebook-jss (d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; if (d.getElementById (id)) returns; js = d.createElement s); js.id = id; js.src = "http: //connect.facebook. net / en_US / sdk.js # xfbml = 1 & version = v2.8 "; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore (js, fjs);} (document, & quot; script & # 39;; facebook-jssdk & # 39; ;)) [ad_2]
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