I'm not sure what I'm talking about It's the size of the face that remains gorgeous!


Go to the carriage wedding – Chance with the ball – Krishna the bride sit at the megat – Celebrity celebrity makeup artist for two hours. "I think the angel" …

Wearing a red suit, I walked around the locker room – Rukrit, rushed. "I did not want to stay standing, I was forced to be a maid of honor." … Well, do not have to wear a red skirt.

I met in jams – state that went to the mother. Nuclear funeral I'm not sure it's a good idea.

Hate to congratulate the bride and groom. Nong – Arun Tea I quickly came back to this reason. "I must see the end of the drama" … it's called in the line.

Go to the top of the page Ah – Patcharapa said that "get up early to get lucky." The chest fell on the forehead (F, B, E, V, N, T, S)
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