I'm not sure what to do.


After being cleared through Instagram, the latest VJ Jatuporn Niranut Gold came out of his mouth. The case is being ambushed by a young Tuntanan businessman by a man who has a wife and has not divorced. Apex Medical Center, a subsidiary of Apex Medical Center, recently joined the 23rd anniversary of the Apex Medical Center at Central Plaza Ladprao. Clutch The story is told again from his mouth.

"I have the opportunity to clarify it, but I really have to explain it because I think it's a thought that we want to say something.

What is the impact on mental health?
"There is really no impact on me, I feel really bad. From what I have described in the IGA. [/ QUOTE]

This is a good one. It is not like that. It is from the first case that it happened. Where does it come from? If you ask me a direct question. I have a reason to explain it, this is not an excuse. I really believe it. The fact that he must know a few people already confirms it.

Is it still in the middle of nowhere? That's it.
"Now I Come Back."

"This is a very good friend, a friend of mine. Before that, with the fact that we are friends, we already know it. This is really not. We think we believe. But we have seen. And it is with so many things that we believe it's over. This is not the first time. "

What do you think about it? How can we reduce the relationship to friends only?
" really.

Would you joke in the middle?
"No, you are not doing anything wrong with yourself."

] Sound clip Is there a way to do it? If you answer in the dilemma. It will be too long. I mean, this day is the end. I do not want to talk in detail. I would like to say that in this short story, it has three parts: the central part and the end of the story. In the first part of the story, I explained in my opinion. I do not speak. I can not say everything. Because it's not quite a story. I do not know what to do. Affected people may not be good.

And in the end may be the part where many people receive news and reviews. If you do not do it, then do not do it. I have no intention.

But there is news of your wife, he contacted.
"(shake your head) no."

Fear that after the interview, will have another story later?

Are you going to clean yourself, is not it?
"Not to clean you up [/ Quote] I do not think it's a good idea, when it's today, I do not know what to say, and I do not do not think that there is something that I do not really do.

Looking forward to your future with you?

"I do not answer. What is the difference between this and the other? Do not you know that parents do not know anything about your parents? It does not matter what we do, if things are not going well. You will be warned not to be. What do you protect us too?

This is so that your parents worry about it. I'm sure it will work for 20 years, I will not take my reputation. Do not take any dignity for yourself in exchange for that. If it happened, it was intentional. This is not true

Think that the decision of the past was an error or an error?
"I can not say anything to anyone because everyone is not in such a situation, I have found.As I explained it all.What is what is happening?

"This is not yet so big. [Image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] We have to go see a good teacher to ask where we think we do not succeed in love. I do not even date really.

What would you say to a social person? I came and commented on the team. I think it will finish?
"For the end, but for the Socialist, I mean it's going to honor everyone, I'm not sure it's the case, but just ask if you want to curse." [/ Quote] I do not know not what to do.If this is what you want to finish this day.But what happens if there is something or something else that needs to be explained? [19659002] Why do we say that the decision to speak against men protects us?
"Oh. We will feel that we are here. Okay, it could be personal. But as we are public. I also have a responsibility towards society. But not at all. Is this true? It's not true. What is the point? Or what we found.

Can you tell us about the party with the fans?
"Really?" The task needs to be arranged. "Tell them in advance." At first I thought or would go ahead. "It seems his boyfriend is not postponing. Like this, then there is a surprise.

Are you afraid? The news that appeared may have made the fans disappear.
"At first we thought that it was not gone or not. We think we always want to entertain more. Do you feel better after that? In fact, people who eat the news have a lot of people analyzing what is a lot. I saw another side of people. For those who do not have the intention to like it. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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