International Weightlifting Federation voted to improve International Weightlifting Tournament and Olympic Games by international standards such as the World Championship. The 8 male models and 8 female models are male and 10 female models, while the Olympic Games coordinates the original 7 male models and 7 female models, with the quota for the finalists of each country. July 7, 61 "Sathup", Major General Intrat Yodnadit, Honorary President of the Thai Weightlifting Association. As vice president of International Weightlifting Federation IWF revealed that at the meeting of the IWF in Tashkent Uzbekistan He changed the pattern and contact details of the international weightlifting competition. And the Olympic Games. The Weightlifting Championships from each continent, among the eight original men types and the eight types of women, have moved to the men's version of the 10 55 kg, 61 kg versions. , Model 67 kg, model 73 kg, model 81 kg, model 89 kg, model 96 kg, model 102 kg, model 109 kg and model 109 kg. 49 kg model, 55 kg model, 59 kg model, 64 kg model, 71 kg model 76 kg model, 81 kg model, 87 kg model and 87 kg model
during the Olympic Games . Of the eight types of original male models to seven models as follows: 61 kg, 67 kg, 73 kg, 81 kg, 96 kg, 109 kg and 109 kg. There are 7 models of the same size, but the weight of the model is 49 kg, 55 kg, 59 kg, 64 kg, 76 kg, 87 kg and 87 kg. The most definitive quota of men, 4 men, 6 men and 4 women.
There are 8 types of male and 8 female models: 49 kg, 55 kg, 61 kg, 67 kg, Model 81 kg, model 89 kg, model 96 kg, model 102 kg and model 102 kg The 10 types are the following: model 40 kg, model 45 kg, model 49 kg, model 55 kg, model 59 kg, model 64 kg, model 71 kg, model 76 kg, model 81 kg and model of 81 kg [19659002] Shift. General Intarat said that the atmosphere of this meeting is very strict. The Council of Asia wants to pack a small version, while the Council of Europe wants to pack it. There are different athletes hoping, however, all parties must consider appropriate and rational principles. I have modified the new version according to the details. So athletes who can win the gold medal in the world weightlifting competition in 2018 in Ashgabat. Turkmenistan in November will be recorded as a new world record. The platform will be a collection of points to win the right to the 2020 Olympics.
The Youth of Thai Youth and the 2016 Youth World Championship in Tachkane. Uzbekistan On the first day of July 7, 48 kg Jiraphan Nantawong and Chotima Bua Square at the Thai hour 18:30 and 56 kg of fat Tada Perfect at Thai time 21:00, then the 8. Group male 62 kg , Ekarat B, Rajaruk, Thailand at 16:00, 53 kg., Thai women's group, Azurejana Bandai at 18:30 and 62 kg. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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