The accident occurred at the height of the 6th floor of the building. In the village of Greater Noida Shah Al Berry from New Delhi Indian capital to the east of nearly 40 km in the early hours of 20:30 on Tuesday 17 July at local time, ie around 13:00 on Wednesday 18 July at Thai time. At least 3 people are dead and more people are trapped under the remains of the building, said Arun Kumar Singh, Indian fire chief. There are at least 12 people inside the building
. There are 4 other buildings after the shock of the first building, which has 2 children and the only family to live. More than 100 rescuers and crane equipment. A big hammer and chainsaw work all night to speed up the victims trapped under the building. This is the point where the drilling ground and monsoon rain water. First, the officials arrested the owner of the building and two other people to interrogate Ram. Building blocks are not strong. The building was built 2-3 years ago, but no one was found. In addition to the family of construction workers. The functions (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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