Indian horror! Found 10 handcuffs – Hanging in the house Old woman lying on the floor.


Neighbors found corpses in the kitchen, 11 people died in a house in New Delhi, 10 of them hanging from the ceiling. While the police found evidence that this could be related to the curse …

On July 1, Indian police said. 11 members of the Papita family were found in a house in New Delhi. The capital of the country by 10 of them hung from the ceiling. There are only two 77-year-old children who died on the ground. While most funerals were closed, eyes closed and handcuffed.

The police also issued a statement. Families must perform rituals, magic or spirits. After finding a handwritten document Bong highlights some rituals regarding magic spells, but the police did not rule out the possibility that this case could be a murder. Authorities revealed that the autopsy had begun.

Journalists of the BBC News India. They feel panicked in this community. The Patani family is from Rajasthan. Northwest India Lives in New Delhi for over 20 years and has opened 2 stores

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