Interest rate reduction – 3 years for farmers.


Cabinet approved debt reduction to increase the liquidity of small farmers, the Bank extended the repayment period to 3 years and reduced interest rates on loans up to 300,000 [19659002] the 31st. Mr Nattaporn Jatusripitak The Council of Ministers approved measures to reduce the debt to increase the liquidity of small farmers, consisting of two projects to alleviate the suffering of farmers affected by natural disasters. And the price of agricultural products

for the first project. The extension of the repayment period for small farmers of the Bank of Agricultural and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) amounted to 3.81 million. A mortgage restriction will be granted to clients whose debt is less than 300,000 baht, but this will be provided to all small farmers. Not including farmers who are legal persons. The project period begins on August 1, 61 – July 31, 64. Farmers will have the right to extend the repayment period of their loan for 3 years. If a farmer has to repay the loan for a short period of time, he will have to repay the loan once a year or if the debt is heavy to complete the project. Credits for the restoration of the occupation Or debt restructuring. Go

Also Farmers who are customers of Bancassurance will receive credits to improve their career potential. Loans to restructure production Or loans as emergency expenses and supply factors. This will be linked to the upcoming project of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. Encourage farmers to move from non-planted crops to replanted crops.

The second project reduces interest rates for small farmers. The one-year loan will begin from August 1, 2006 to July 31, 62. The government will pay interest on loans rather than on farmers. % Per year, and BFM represents 0.5% per year, but farmers can participate in both projects. Must submit an application. It may not be everyone who wants to stretch

. The Cabinet also approved the budget of these projects amounting to 2,724.85 million baht in August and September 2006, from the mid-year budget of 61 billion baht for the remaining 10 months, the remainder of the budget being 13,580 million baht. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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