Italian media reveal signs of Ronaldo Zebra Sabers Saturday


Italian media "Cristiano Ronaldo" will come to Turin. […]

The international news agency reported on July 5 that "Cristiano Ronaldo" striker and captain of the Portuguese national team. "White King" Real Madrid will travel to Turin, Italy to sign a "zebra" team of the Serie A Serie A Juventus

after rumors that Ronaldo. Do not forget to leave the White King. With the other team "Sports Media Set" media of Italy. Report Portuguese striker and captain. To come to Turin. To sign with Juventus. By The Zebra Team Executives He will travel to Madrid, Spain to meet "Florentino Perez" President of Real Madrid, will discuss the signing of Ronaldo

. Italian media also said. The negotiations will be fruitful. Ronaldo will travel to Turin with a private plane. He will go down to Turin International Airport. And will come to the stage of Allianz Arena to sign. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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