James – Finch! Oh, the aroma wheel.


Soft and sweet, many more scenes, but still not the viewer. James – Chirayu and Teppakorn – Tantiprakarn Clinking on the bed after a soft night. In the romantic drama drama.

Read the novel "Affection Game" here

is a moment where Lucky (James) Surprise Surprise (Chanel) on the anniversary of their wedding anniversary a month. I opened my heart to love. And with appreciation, as well. I'm not sure if that's the case. I do not know what to say.

This scene was filmed at Pak Kret House. It's a very sweet scene in history, because James Trac has to sleep on the bed of a husband and a wife, this new James Bond investment, stripped from the show meat. It's a cute curly puppet.

Ladies Tropic in the scene waking up quite passionate. I see the sweet face. I'm not sure it's a good idea, but it's a good idea. Do not miss this night at 8:20 pm on channel 3.

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