Japan hanged Hangman 6, the ancient Apostle Ochshinigui, the rest.


On the evening of the death of the six members of the Ochshinigami group, less than three weeks after Shosaka, the ancient Hara and six disciples were executed.

Reports from the foreign news agency Japanese authorities execute executions Hung The last six members of the Oshinariya group left on July 26 after being sentenced to death. From the crime of attacking with toxic gas Sarin. At the Tokyo subway station in 1995, at least 5 people were killed, at least 5,800 injured.

The Japan Times reported that the death toll of the last six members of the Amerindian group was less than 3. A week after Mr. Shoji Asahara The leader of the Ochshinik group who had been spread in the past. The former members of the Shogunate group were executed.

Ms. Yoko Kagawa, Justice Japan The last six members of the group said they had ordered executions to be carried out. After careful consideration,

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