Japan is hot, stormy! Garden of the house / Other


Japan continues to face national troubles Last storm, Dari has moved to land. Causes heavy rain Floods and landslides It also has the power to close many homes without electricity.

International News Agency reported that the "brewery" of the typhoon moved to central and western Japan on Sunday 29. The month of July caused heavy rains and gusts of wind over the first few days. 180 km / h, resulting in dozens of homes after a blackout. And at least 21 people were injured.

Japan Typhoon Dari (The Korean language translates as the rain bird) moved to the shore of Ise. From Mie Prefecture On Honshu Island around 13:00 local time Sunday. It's a tropical storm. Move to the West Weather Heavy rains can cause landslides and other disasters.

According to Influence of Storm Dari of the NHK news agency, the house has manufactured more than 150,000 boats without electricity. And until noon Sunday. Authorities have warned tens of thousands of people to leave their homes.

. Japan continues to face extreme weather conditions. After June, one of the most severe floods in decades. More than 8 million people have been evacuated from their homes. And up to now, more than 4,000 survivors still live in the refugee camp

. Japan faced unprecedented heatwaves in July. At least 80 people died and more than 22,000 were hospitalized. And now Japan has entered the typhoon season.

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