Khun Charoen Purajit reminded the Thai people in the case of Kruba Bunyaphum to help children in the cave.


is also a social problem. Criticism continues For children There are 13 football coaches from the Boar Academy in Chiang Rai

and Khun Nam Bun C is a respectable northerner. Come to the ceremony in front of the cave. It has become a critical problem both positive and negative. This is a very talented singer. sand commented on history with

By Sand posted a message via Facebook that personal. "We woke up at the same time.Thank you to Seal Unit? It's very desperate, it's a bit like that, it heals my heart.We still carry our bones today.Some days are very bad.We look at our father's signature in the arm.This does not mean that the father will revive the case.But it was a small thing.It is true.

Agree .I do not buy the body, but the Buddha is the adult that people .I do not see what to do.The pope prayed Imam helped to pray.I do not know what to do But it heals my heart

After the message has been posted, there are many social visitors to express their feelings and opinions in many.In addition, Twitter has also answered the question. Actress capitalized on Twitter comments posted on Facebook and wrote the message. "I do not want to quarrel with anyone. I'm not sure that's the case. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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