"Krisda" is a strong passage of Chao Phraya diamond.


Kris Dudyong Chonburi, the thrust of the left knee push, highlighted the Diamond Phang Nga 99 to hit the mouth before blowing. Krisda won the vote to amuse himself. Chao Phraya Diamond Battle on Monday, July 16, 2561 at Ratchadamnoen Boxing Stadium

Assorted Diamonds, Chao Phraya Calendar of Prime Minister's Office Events Friday, July 16, 2006 The Royal Cliff Beach Resort (formerly Royal Cliff Beach Resort & Spa) First ever Diamond Phangan lift

Raised two Krisda move to move the lock to hit the leg hit the legs. Diamond Phangan is not shocked hissing fist. Secondary Krisda does not accept one side of the knee to hit the whole ball was strong Krisda peaks at 7-4

Raised four diamonds. Krisda, too, set out to see the collapse. Before being hit by a diamond, Phangan was the only one who was in the lead. The symptoms are not good to see the collapse. Krisda Drake's knee is clearer than before, Krisda won the vote to have fun with the score of 49-48, the three-voice director Paitoon Frog, Tadalong is a turn, Anant Piamsan [19659003] Chaiyaphum defeated the Diamond Sommai guest house, Bangklai Mr. Rattanakanit defeated Ramkhamhaeng University, Boon, Virachai, Wachirai defeated Suwat small. 99, the magic of Soros won the diamond. Pitsakchai, Diamonds Two Kwai Srisukkarn defeated Diamond Super Diamond, Chaiyaphum, Krung Thai, 99, won scorer Sri Krathong Saeng Thong

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