Prime Minister
On July 25, 2006, General Sansern Kaewrueng, spokesman for the Prime Minister's Office, said the floods in Laos were confirmed. Prime Minister Prayuth Chunyacha expresses his condolences to the floods in the provinces of Attapeu and Champasak, Laos, caused by the dam of Nam Yen. Cracks in the dams cause the water to burst a lot. As a result, 1,300 people are homeless.
"The Prime Minister said that no one wanted to do this, Thailand as a close neighbor to Lao PDR is ready to help, and initially the volunteers went to Lao PDR and the government is ready to support the staff.The rescue, medical, nursing, military, electrical, etc., as well as the necessary materials, can be handled immediately.If this is coordinated by the official Lao People's Democratic Republic "
. The Prime Minister has been informed. Embassy of the Kingdom of Thailand in Vientiane Flood victims were given to help flood victims. You can donate directly to the Royal Thai Embassy. The Embassy will also open an account in Thailand.
"The Prime Minister Concern and encouragement to the brothers of the Lao people to suffer, including the agencies that provide assistance to people in distress.Let the bad situation return to normal as soon as possible." [19659006]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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