Large bowl in the area to visit. The victims of the mudslides in Nan


Minister of the Interior […] Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »General Anupong Paojinda, Minister of the Interior, accompanied the delegation to support the victims of the mudslide. The impact of mudslides on damaged houses. There were 8 deaths on 28 July, with the subsistence bags and death grants. Ready to give encouragement. And regret the incident. The government will take care of the victims.

Then there was Mr. Tanatawat Kharmrat, leader of Ban Huai Leep, Group 7, who filed a letter to General Anupong Chochinda, Minister of the Interior. In the case of leaving Huay Bo Ban area in the 7th, due to fear of loss of life and property of the people, the area is ready to adjust the living space and d & # 39; adapt the living space to promote occupancy and build houses. People have suffered.

Then the Minister of the Interior. Thailand inspects the affected area at Ban Huay Bo, Moo 7, Bumrung Nua. Bo Salt Find ways to address the new habitat of the victims of the disaster. That's all I have to say.

For the afternoon, Minister of Interior (F, B, E, V, N, T, S) in the meeting room of North Nan Province.
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