Last minute shock The girl blew up the car. The driver pulls the car to the hospital.


The most shocking moment! The girl blew up the car. – July 3 CNN Website Shocked! The girl in the SUV. A video clip of the incident was held on a Monday afternoon in Tampa, Florida on the west coast of Florida. As a young woman slipped from an SUV until she collapsed in the middle of a busy intersection.

After that, the young man driving the car rallied to stop the car at the crack. Before opening the door to carry the girl's body on the car on the driver's side. Then sailed on Route 131 East.

Viscount Hillsborough revealed that the accident was very strange. After the release of the video Tuesday night, people were wondering how it had happened

<img class = "wp-image-1297633 size-full" src = " .th / wp-content / uploads / 2018/07 / ตก jpg 1.jpg "alt =". Youtube / New York Post

After sheriff Hillsborough posted a message on Twitter that. "There was three adult passengers in the SUV, the female passenger sits in front of the car without a lock, so she has fallen out of the car. "DISTINGUISHING VIDEO WARNING – We need your help! Do you know who it is or recognize this vehicle? Inspectors must find the person who fell from this Ford Expedition to E. 131 Ave. and N. 15 St. yesterday to determine it well – HCSO (@HCSOSheriff) July 3, 2018

Her injuries were the result.The girl slipped from the slab to the road but was not seriously injured.

The police officers did not pl We charged fees to the driver because it was a case of force majeure. Personal identification of accident victims

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