Legend of "World Ball" from "Video" to "10 Million"


2018 World Cup or Russia World Cup And when the reader sitting reading "curiously" the original Sunday morning, July 8, will know the results of the last four teams this year is the only one. National team?

It is only 7 more days … The next Sunday, July 15th, it will be the championship scheduled at 21h

which does not mean more than midnight. Or if it's a bit. We will know it. Which national team is the World Cup? 2018?

And it is already known that the Throne Group organized this World Cup. There is a big prize for the lucky ones who can be the champions. And get a catch up to a unique value of 10 million, plus a consolation prize of 1 million baht, 10 other people and a consolation of 100,000,000 [0009] followed by a consolation prize. There are four types of services, ranging from two Honda Jazz to Honda Motorcycles. 9 cars, 55 inch Panasonic TV, modern models, more than 30,000 baht, 40 machines and also a good gift. Or do anything to be handsome with the meko clinic worth 50,000 baht per 1 price 10 more

Personnel curiously lest readers be forgotten. I do not think the World Cup has resulted in many more days. We must ask permission to exceed the warning of today that the remaining 7 days will be the only 2018 World Cup then

.To enjoy it with the Rear Admiral who predicts who will champion. There will only be 6 days left.

Because we will close the postcards scheduled July 14 before the football championship one day, which sent after. We will all be canceled.

Therefore. When you have to send a postcard with us. There are not many of them. (Only 6 days left)

Details 2018 World Cup Prediction with Thairath Newspaper and Thairath Online

In addition to Postcards This time, we also have a special reward to enjoy. There is a maximum of 500,000 baht, a prize and 110 prizes.

You will find details on page 3 Thairath or on the website. www.thairath.co.th From now on

off-line! Thank you! It is considered the team's duty curiously … but because of the space left behind. And to match the atmosphere of the World Cup. I would like to tell the "legend" to predict the results of the football world.

Depending on the style of this column. It has always been a story to keep the reader.

Predict the results with Thairath to enjoy the different things. Starts very long The idea of ​​the director of Kampol Watcharapol who wants to give happiness to fans of Thairath. Moving forward all the time Since we moved to Vibhavadi Rangsit Road … the first time. Is the prediction Elect the representatives In the first election after the general elections of October 14, 1973 and following.

For the first qualification for the World Cup, Thirathat was created in 1982 or 1982, the 12th World Cup, Spain having won the 1st prize (19659002) or the highest distinction in the world. ;year. Being video player with only 1 national television The second prize is black and white television and 10 radio the whole of Italy

was the world champion and send postcards to 12 million Thai Rath. The predictable results in the next 4 years in the tournament hosted Mexico in 1986 or 1986, and the winning team. Argentina

Unfortunately, we were unable to find the statistics or awards presented that year. I do not know how many postcards you send.

After that. Our collection of statistics is complete.

1990 World Cup (1990) Italy hosted first place for 309 championship cars, including West Germany.

1994 World Cup The United States hosted the Mercedes-Benz Class C Brazil Grand Prix, worth 3 million baht, with postcards of 43,537,550. [19659021] 1998 World Cup (1998) France hosted the French championship. South Korea, Japan hosts the championship, cash prize of 10 million baht, postcard 135,813,650

2006 World Cup Germany hosts the silver prize Champion of Italy 10 million baht Top 10 World Cup 2010 South Africa hosts Spain Top Prize Cash 10 Million Postcards Top 200 052 600 Bubble

2014 World Cup Brazil Welcomes Germany won the first price of 10 million baht in cash as well as other consolation prize. The total value of 45.2 million baht, send the postcard total 243 869 475

ครับ! All this is Legend and Statistics Join the World Cup with Thairath from 2525 until now for 36 full years and it's the 10th time.

Top Postcard The total is 243 million, the same as when 4 years ago?

but with the world most often tense. And if this year, the pair. Born in Brazil in England It's a different story, and there is a chance to do it.

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