Let's eat in a bowl of dog rice. Catch a fun clip of Raiders – Capture


Let the child eat in the dog's bowl. Laughs On July 8, the Sun reported that a police officer from the state of Trinidad and Tobago had arrested a woman who had taken a clip of her son. They are feeding the dog food.

This blatant video reveals a toddler who tries to imitate eating a dog. In the clip also heard the woman who believes that the mother said. Little boy is having lunch After that, there is a dog that appeared in the clip.

Local media in Brazil reported that this boy had a learning problem. And sick of eating dog food. However, this clip originally shared only with this family. But later, it was shared online. After the parents of the father of a child.

Police investigate the mother of the child. And the grandmother of this child. Appearing as well in the video. In investigating the situation, he said, The grandmother of this child does not accept the incident until she receives the child at home. Then go to the police

  to eat in the bowl of dog food.

Marcia Gabrielle Carvalley mother of the family's lawyer. He said that the family denied all venomous acts of harm to their children, and also said that this boy was loved by everyone.

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