Letters to parents I told the coach. Do not blame yourself Thank you!


Provincial Public Relations of Chiang Rai Reveal an image of the letter that parents and family members write about their 12 children, including the "coach," do not blame yourself. Thank you!

Fan PR.Chiangrai public relations Chiang Rai public page Revealed a letter from the parents of the Maesai Maesai 13 boar team, written to children and coaches, or Ek Ek Phon Tawan, who is still waiting to see if he can not be found. to be taken from the cave. Mae Sai, Chiang Rai

. Most parents write only their children. Treat yourself well, be strong, parents and parents. Waiting in front of the cave Always be happy. Love it and miss the ball

simultaneously. The relatives of the coaches. And parents Coaches applaud. And please do not blame yourself. Thank you for taking care of yourself. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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