Lineage2 Revolution released a massive update for players


กรุงเทพฯ – Jul 11 ​​- Net Marbella Corporation

Net Marbella Corporation The World's Fastest Mobile Games Company Announcing the great update that everyone eagerly awaits the game's famous MMORPG Lineage2 Revolution Camp. Improvement of the production of UR equipment and the addition of a rigid security system.

With increased security added to players to enjoy more. Players will be able to use Adena to reduce the level of reinforcements up to level 20. At the same time, the level of difficulty of the production of UR equipment facilitates the grip of equipment. By combining the UR formula production formula only. The protectors are divided into 4 categories, namely helmets, gloves and shoes, as well as necklaces, rings and earrings.

It also extends the top floor of the Oman Tower from 125 to 150 floors. Get more price and reputed. & # 39; Infinite Commanders & # 39; when they can conquer the highest level.

In this update The official season of the battle of honor has begun. Battlefield Hall of Fame is a real-time 3vs3 combat arena that is held every Tuesday and Thursday. The prize awarded to the player is based on the player's ranking at the end of each season. Medal of honor to win the battle can be used to buy various temples.

Lineage2 Revolution celebrates the next update by preparing a boom event in the game. Battle Arena is a battle between 50 heroes with the same ability to win more prizes.

Lineage2 Revolution is a high quality MMORPG based on Unreal 4 Engine, allowing players to jump onto the open world battlefield. With thousands of players in real time

you can learn more about Lineage2 Revolution on the site.

and the official fan pages.

About NetMart Corporation

NetMart Corporation (Net Margin), the fastest growing mobile gaming company in the world. It's still the best developer of mobile games and is spreading around the world. It is committed to providing the ultimate mobile gaming experience for people of all ages around the world. Net Marl was established in 2000 in Korea. It employs more than 4,000 people and produces a large number of successful games such as Lineage2 Revolution, Marvel Future Fight, Let's Get Rich and Seven Knights. The game is open to play for free. The best companies in the world are also part of NetMart. Today, Netmar is also the largest shareholder of Jam City, a leading developer of casual gaming. CJ E & M Corporation, the largest entertainment company in Asia, is Tencent Holdings, the largest Internet company in Asia. And the company has introduced MMO MMO games as well for more details.

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