List 4 open the scene welcome Getsunova girl Gina T …


Bangkok – 26 Jul – day 31

Have fun since the opening of the show when "4 spades", cheeks, dome, Tum Tag Team Show full of dance in the song "Turtle", and then change the atmosphere with the melody. Group hits "How far is it, people do not need, know well." Getsunova Concert Atmosphere "at the end of this month.In the concert, what are some of the songs to listen to the 4 boys , Nana, jutsu, go to jail to hear from there. "4 things to do" to the girl face Gina The Face. "The House of Snakes" This work 4 spades asked the girl Gina, the goddess has taught the course, I'm not sure it's a good idea.
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