List of world stops paired! & # 39; Naymar & # 39; brings Brazilian troops to Belgium


List of world judgments by pair The Brazil national team meets the Belgian national team. The quarter-finals of the 2018 World Cup are out.

The 2018 World Cup round of two semi-finals on July 6, meet in the Brazilian pair meet Belgium. The fighting at the Kazan Arena in Russia

The samba army led by Naymar, the most expensive in the world, as well as the union with Philippe Pintin, and Gabriel the Jesuits, Belgium directed by Aden Asa.

Brazil 4-2-3-1: Allied Joan Miranda, Philippe Louise: Paulino, Fernando Dino: Willie, Philippe Gabrielle de Jesus

Belgium 3-4-2-1: Tiberto Gers (GK): Toby Alder Ralph, Vincent Kompany, Yan Fairtongen, Nasir Chad Lee, Axel Whitsel, Kevin De pod, Thomas Samuel Fournier: R. Hazard Eden, Marouane Phelps chasing this: Romelu Lukaku

Following an Analysis deepened on football.

Join the 2018 World Cup event and win a total of 32 million prizes and more here today , until July 14, 61 [ Fonction (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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