'Love Design & # 39; do not remember big celebrities. Old man New housewarming


"How old are you?" There are still lights. "… New love of celebrity couples. To hide, hide it. I do not know how to explain to society, it has become difficult for many couples not to say it. More comfort. "It can be … Old love story It's the past Like a roadblock has stolen a lot I do not know how many rivers are coming in. People will understand that This love It's been a long time. in society.How many people are not going to be a big problem to solve.If a person has such behavior.He is a noble person.He must be drilled to present the news …. why? young people are brave, many people choose to declare themselves to the public, so I do not need to hide or lie to the heaviest. "The truth is not dead.

For example, the former commander of the National Police, Major General Sutt Sutanon, dares to create hilarity in the social world. After the opening ceremony, I have to agree to sign it. "Miss Yuwat Satitanon" under the beauty queen. The family name used together. Also, clarify this. Not a marriage license. I did not get divorced with my old wife. And not registered He has the power to consent to the use of the proper name. "I have been here a long time," he said. Please note that not married. Because it's a recorded overlap. I am a lawyer and I do not know The second void can not be done. I have to sign my wife. What do you think? We went back to take care of ourselves. So, let's use the last name. I have no idea who I am. I have the most age. I have to go through a lot of steps. Now, it's legal. "

The legendary love of the politicians not to mention can not be. Even today, General Chai Manchavan, former Prime Minister .It is the world.But the last love With "Cricket" or Rapee Luang Aramrat.In the image of the memory of many people, and even though General Chatchanan Chai is not divorced .. Khunying Boonruang Choohaban Official But the social circle of high-ranking politicians know it.Your relationship with you crickets.I do not know what to do.As a friendFather as a father.It is taught from the etiquette to eat on the table.What are you doing "As a diplomat, you teach that no matter what you do, remember my words.Use it to use it.But you must think that it took money to invest … can we go back? If it brings us back, do not joke with that.It is advisable to eliminate a lot of consul foreigners, Thais must learn. It is also necessary that the woman eats here. Come invest here. It's a national education. The teachings of the messengers are taught. This is the messenger is a friend. Because the ambassador is the best speaker. "Relations between General Chatchai and his relatives will be of great help, Cricket also has good relations with Khunying Boonruen Chunwattan

and for the last couple, General Sunthorn Kong." Sompong Former former provincial permanent secretary for peace The power came from General Chai Manohavan on February 23, 1991 with a new mess of love.After the "Big Jod" decided to plant a new home with Mrs. Ampapan Thanyaddej Sunthorn, his second wife until the end of the war. to 2 August 1999. The death of General Sunthorn

Then, on September 15, 1999, Ms. Eupapan Thanyadej, Sunthorn's second wife, "Big Jod", filed an application for inheritance in the civil court of South Bangkok, Colonel Khunying Oraporn Kongsompong, the Royal Woman and her two sons As the Applicant Ms. Amphan Pandang or another person and the 12 other defendants at the South Bangkok Civil Court. the property worth 4 billion baht. The great trial of the Apocalypse The function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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