mad men caught! I do not know what to do.


Bang Bua Thong market boom! The pork chop belongs to a father. "I do not know what to do," he said. Niphon Phuttharitr, Deputy Permanent Secretary for Investigations (Bang Bua Thong), Nonthaburi, informed Mr. Verayuttharaksa, 37, of Ratchaburi, with Sir. 21/51 Sua Law, Bang Bua Thong, Nonthaburi as wife There is a mother trade in sticky rice which is the sales group of mother and pig of fish and vegetables, more than 10 men and women who sell the same market. I do not know what to say. Serious injury to the face, zygomatic under the right eye 2 needles, fracture of the eye right to Kasaborn Hospital Cancer in Bang Bua Thong market accident, Moo 5, Sanyo, Bang Bua Thong, Nonthaburi [19659002] Mr. Veera Puttaya, the boyfriend who was in the event. It's around 3.30pm, they open a sticky rice shop at Bang Bua Thong Market. Then there is a group of merchants and merchants who sell on the same market. Get up for their fans. The group had two men, eight women, after about five minutes of silence, both men closed their hair and closed their throats. At the same time, the eight women were attacked. Slap and slap in the face of his girlfriend several times over 5 minutes until a merchant. The same market in the same market. All the victims of this incident stopped the vandalism, then one of the activists threatened to remove the hot water. I say that too. "You do not know who I am"

Mr. Veer also says that. The reason their fans have been hurt is that their fans have filed lawsuits against foreign workers in the Bang Bua Thong market. Work not in accordance with the nature of the work requested. Until the morning before. Staff involved in the investigation of the complaint. There have been arrests of foreign workers and illegal employers. The cause of victims and interests. After the incident, he took his girlfriend to the doctor at the hospital. Me and my girlfriend. Because the actions of the group are considered offensive. Not afraid of the law Now, they and their families feel insecure in life and property.

Police interviewed Mr. Veer Young Boy at the scene before. And we will invite the witnesses to review the event. It is expected that all victims will be merchants and merchants who sell on the same market. And live in the neighborhood. The victim recognizes almost all faces and names. The action of the group. It's a very offensive action. Not afraid of the law Later, the police investigated the area to find the clues of the gang. And to follow the prosecution of the next law

. Ms. Siriwan Saenam revealed to reporters. Before the accident, he opened his shop as usual, but suddenly the traffickers and his supporters were a gang of friends, Mr. Soman Boonprasert, owner of Soman Metta Mansion, two men seized both arms. Two other people attacked in front. I was injured by a group of people standing on the clip. And say that. "I do not know what to do."
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