Maesai Big Cleaning Day, clean up the natural night in & # 39; Tham Luang & # 39;


Mae Sai As a volunteer clean the day to clean garbage to enhance the landscape of the caves to return to natural conditions. Before sacrificing

On July 13 at 9:00 am, Maesai volunteers volunteer to improve the landscape of Luang Cave. At Tham Pha Luang, in Mae Sai District, Chiang Rai Province Superior General of Air Supichai Sunthornbura, Assistant Secretary General I came to open the volunteer project. "We do good by heart" Tham Luang – Khun Nam Nang areas rehabilitated and developed

by Mr. Tanya Nettimkul Director General of the National Park Service Department of Wildlife Conservation Mr. Praprat Punsakul, Governor of Chiang Rai Led the Public Volunteer We do good by heart. Department of National Parks and Plant Conservation Rakchai 15 and volunteers in Chiang Rai More than four thousand people registered. Together they improve the garbage collection landscape and clean the area around the Tham Luang Forest Park. Restore water to nature. And have a row. Promote a good image and continue to travel

At the same time. Chiang Rai Ceremony to merit the Great Cave – Khun Nam Nang Nuen on July 16 at 9:09 in front of the Tham Luang Subdistrict – Khun Nam Nang, Pong Pha, Mae Sai, Chiang Rai. The ceremony was held to sacrifice. Dedication to the charity of the monk. And sacred We invite the pagoda as the opening ceremony of the ceremony ceremony of the cave and merit.

For the Royal Forest Park, Nangun, Mae Sai, Chiang Rai. After the birth of 13 wild boars, the Academy was captured in the cave on June 23rd. The Tham Luang Forest Park was posted off the Tham Luang Forest Park and Khun Nam Nang Nok so tourists do not visit. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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