Mahachai Launches New Portable Bluetooth Speakers for Gadget Fans ::


Mahajak Development Co., Ltd. Company launched three new portable Bluetooth speakers. Includes JBL GO 2, JBL CLIP 3 and JBL. SOUNDGEAR A Wide Range of Lifestyle Solutions


JBL Waterproof Portable Speaker GO 2 Bluetooth connectivity allows you to carry your pleasure anywhere. Can be used up to 5 hours. Comes with the unique sound of JBL, with an IPX7 seal, allowing you to take JBL GO 2 to enjoy every place, be it a party by the pool. The beach is not dreaded. In addition, you can receive phone calls through the speakerphone. Noise canceling technology to effectively eliminate noise can be purchased at dealerships nationwide Price 1490 บาท


JBL Portable Waterproof Speaker CLIP 3 Bluetooth Connectivity Robust wireless for up to 10 hours of talk time Equipped with a 1000 mAh Li-ion battery. And the new waterproof standard IPX7 comes with a unique loop in this model. Can be attached to clothes or bags easily. Suitable for adventure in various locations can be purchased from dealers nationwide Price 2,490 บาท


Discover the new style of music. In your home in a way that never touched JBL. Exceptional Soundgear Design JBL's unique surround sound system connects wirelessly to Bluetooth with Bass technology. Boost to enjoy more music. There is also a fast system. Charge for 2 hours, up to 6 hours There is also a dual microphone conference that eliminates echo and external noise during a JBL talk. Soundgear is designed to wrap around the neck of the user. You can enjoy a hands-free listening experience or a headset. Allow yourself to be free from all activities, whether using the VR system, listening to music while doing business in the store or by organizing a conference call through the conference system. The call is very easy for JBL. Soundgear can be found in any store in a stable, junk and Valid right now – 31st July 61 Price 7,990 THB

For more information, please contact Mahachaj Development Co., Ltd. at 02-256-0020 function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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