Major Floods Reveal Japanese Business Weaknesses – The Bangkok Insight


The worst flood in Japan for more than 30 years has caused more than 120 deaths and business losses. And transport in the western part of the country. Fall in paralysis Reflect the weaknesses of the country's infrastructure. Responding to the flood situation

The report of the Nikkei website on disaster preparedness in Asia indicates that disaster management is ineffective.

An electronic component company acknowledged that it planned to deal only with earthquakes.

According to a survey conducted by the Japanese Prime Minister's Office during fiscal 2017, large companies plan to continue their activities, but only 30% plan to cover the possibility of flooding.

July 9 Panasonic, the leading consumer electronics company in Japan. Suspension of production announced in Okayama Prefecture The video camera factory. After the water in the river near the factory overflows. Flood of the first floor of the factory. And the electrical control room has drowned. It takes at least a week to get back to production.

This disaster. Impacted both large and small businesses. Shop and Factory Damages to the supply chain No tap water

Asahi Shuzo, the famous brand of sake "Dasai", has suspended production since July 7. Because no electricity. And flooding the seat. And the factory of the company. It should take a month.

Mitsubishi Fuso Tractor and Bus also had significant repercussions on the supply chain outside the disaster area, and the plant closure took place in Kawasaki City. Near Tokyo Afternoon yesterday (July 9) to date (July 10) due to lack of parts in production

. The number of deaths from the flood. And landslides in western Japan. There are at least 126 missing persons and more than 80 missing, as well as tens of thousands of missing persons

The number of deaths in this event. It is the most lethal loss of the deluge. The reason for rain in Japan since 1982
despite recent The disaster area has reduced rainfall. But the Japanese Meteorological Department [965] [965] There are also residents of evacuation centers in 15 districts in 11,000 disaster areas.

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