"Martin" author Luang cave map travel to Thailand. Get ready to help the wild boar team get out of the cave: PPTVHD36


million. Martin Ellis, author of the map, The rescue team of England 3 people arrived at Suvarnabhumi airport. And to travel to Chiang Rai.

"Martin", the author of a map of caves to travel to Thailand.

Today (July 6, 61) According to the testimony, Morning Ellis, a British cave explorer, A map of the Tham Luang caves – Khun Nam Nang Nok, used for the rescue mission of boars and wild boars. 13 cars leave from Copenhagen Airport. Denmark Since yesterday afternoon. At present, he has reached Suvarnabhumi airport. And get ready to go to Chiang Rai Airport. By Bangkok Airways. To join the wild boar and coach led by the team. From Luang cave. Previously, the information was supported by the Department of Mineral Resources since the beginning of the incident.

Reliable sources provide information to the Phi Phi News team. Martin Ellis' mission will focus on helping communication from the Royal Thai Area caves to Thai officials. Because Mr. Martin Ellis can speak Thai. He will also communicate with other English relief teams who can not speak Thai.

There are also Clayton Michael and Gary Mitchell 2, scuba divers who specialize in scuba diving. Depart from London Heathrow Airport, take a trip to Luang Nam Khun Nam Nang, Chiang Rai, by Air Bangkok. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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