May 1, 62 Treatment "marijuana" – 3 diseases


Epilepsy in children Nausea and Vomiting

The Committee considered the use of marijuana for medical purposes, May 1, 2062. "Marijuana" for research on people and medical use. The extraction of hemp oil Control measures Indications for use The current plan clearly reveals the results of research into 3 formulas of the traditional Thai medicine disease from cannabis only Thai species [19659003] at the Ministry of Health on July 3, Sophon Mekhong President of the Pharmaceutical Organization As chairman of the medical marijuana committee, After the second meeting of the committee, the panel discussed the draft new code on the drugs that would use marijuana for medical research purposes in humans. The National Legislative Assembly (NIA) adopted the principle on June 14, 2018. It has 90 days to revise the law, which should be published in the Government Gazette. This will take effect in 180 days as of April 2016. Therefore, the committee has set a deadline that May 1, 2019 will be able to use cannabis as an official drug. Doctors or researchers in human Can "The committee will have four working groups, each of which must set a timetable for the work, such as working groups to develop extraction." How to make cannabis or cannabis on May 1, 2562 , or a working group to set up a control system with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) How to use the product And how doctors use it, says Dr. Sophon.

Dr. Sophon has To report the progress of each working group Working group to study the use of medical devices Modern medicine In the current plan, it is clear that there are three groups of cannabis that can be used to treat nausea and vomiting in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy.Epilepsy in children and cystitis.The disease has been studied but is not clear like any other epilepsies Does this affect cancer cells in people? Parkinson's and psychiatric disorders like Alzheimer's disease. Thai traditional medicine is raised in 4 formulations, which asked the working group to study. The required formulations include cannabis or CBD and tetracycline or THC. Are there many patients? To find out how much marijuana or marijuana is needed

. I'm not sure if that's the case. Now it is proposed and 2. The application for planting and developing marijuana. The project is under preparation. The extraction of cannabis or the development of the species now uses the medium. Article 101a and 102a, according to the Narcotics Act BE 2522, which states that when the type and amount of drugs. The Ministry of Public Health may destroy or use as prescribed by the regulations of the Ministry of Public Health. Without waiting for the case to end. The development of the species

as Thai medicine, it is indicated that the use of Thai marijuana. In order to answer the formula. I do not use any species imported from abroad.

The journalists asked. This is the first time I have a marijuana problem. Considered illegal It is only allowed to import and extract, but it is expected in May 2562 to bring cannabis to humans. But only medical. And should be used as directed. The team is working to put the control system. It is proposed that the Medical Council of Marijuana have guidance on what to allow. If no indication of use, it will not be allowed to produce. Do not ask for permission to pay. But must pay according to the indications. Otherwise, it is considered wrong. And now it's a bill. There will be research problems in people. To use the medical and pharmaceutical industry

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