Mickey dared to leave the old girlfriend before going out with JJ, the timing is not a problem.


Very pleased that the groom Micky No Nuat Diamond recently to kneel to the girl in the wedding ceremony Pho Suwan candle will be in the month of October, but it will be a day.

By the time Micky was the first to open his mind about it. In general, I do not give an interview or say anything. But this work is clear to all suspected people. That's what people watch. I do not know But will be married Or even Micky's break up with his ex-girlfriend, JJ, and also have a mermaid that's where Mickey's asked for the wedding.

Back to top How long did it take?

"Really?" But we do not know how many people are ready, so we have the impression that we will go to America.We have a plan to go to each other.

"Let's be honest, we first queued up on June 31. It's just 30 days, we know it just after, because we're We have prepared with his friends, I know we have to hurry up to tell people to get ready, and this morning I will not leave because I want to wash, it makes it almost impossible, but we try to push it I've never been there, I want to go. "

When he kneels, ask him to get married. What did you say?

"When I knelt We are excited, excited 2 is 1. We will ask him, we are excited 2. He will not take care of us.Because he wanted This day I accepted that I was playing but my cell phone was attached to his friend, he might have felt this with him, but he was playing on the mobile

he wanted to hurry. # 39; s mood is not good We tried to hold him back, he was going in. His friends reported. We are on his knees .I do not know what to say.

Second, he had afraid to refuse.

"I was not prepared for him if he refused. If both knees do not refuse. [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] Link to the publication – Back to top IP: Tears flowed, I was in tears, then hugged and he was wearing a ring with the song behind me prepared. I was so excited. We know it in our head only.

Many people consider that the known time can be short.

"It's a question that many people ask, but for me, I'm the one who knows what I want from school.I know that in this time, I want this that I want, what I want to do, what we do, we plan and we know what we want, my parents have been married for 3 months and married for 25-30 years, I think the time is not a problem. "

What makes us feel that it is a woman who wants to live.

"I believe that a lot.The time has come.You will be the first love who feels warm and cherish us.I was with Janie.What gave me Or the love that he has for me I am very sweet and caring.

I have never spoken of his past.We live with the present and look forward to the future.I do not do not know what to do

Janie was married but her life was not successful When asked Are we worried that he will deny us? I'm not sure if this 39. is the case.I love the way I love him.He knows what he wants.She is confident in answering me.I trust him.He can we see both of them together. "

How does our family?

"Both parents love and love him as a real child.Maybe there is more love than me. that we are happy here He is part of our family

"Now we do everything ourselves. As Janie says, we do not have a Wedding Planner. Because it's so complete and selects everything by itself. Everything in the work is meaningful. Whether it's a map Each flower decoration. I do not know what to do. I want to be closer than that. We will invite you all, of course, it is in October, the place is dressed in 2 at the first Bangkok.

Now, looking at where the hotel is most convenient. The organizers will be held on family and relatives. Then it will be our friends. This is what is called a group of children. "

a few months ago

" Really? I think people around me are more excited than me. I have the feeling that the excitement is not strange. "

A few months will be prepared I will look more, how can we change?"

"I always do the same thing. Be consistent from day one We are not the only ones. We must be more honorable. I have never watched that We live the normal life. But what else do we have to think about now that we have Janie in our lives?

Previously, not officially launched. [Image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] But many impatient people want us to respond immediately. The first says that. If there is progress or updates. Everyone will know it. And he will go out and talk. […] I do not know what to say. We make him see better. From the first day until today. He will see that we are persistent. [Image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image]

"It's personal, I'm very clear about what I want." Family History Even the priesthood And I want to have a family before the age of 30, which is a few years old

We talk about it, I must have children.We hope J & I need to see the drama And then other jobs Me and Janie

There are so many comments We have been married for a few years

"Really? I have never asked my ex-girlfriend. I do not approach home at home. I am not sure where the news comes from. For the old digger to attack me. I can not stop it.

But I want him to honor the people he's written. I want him to respect me. Because we work in the industry. We will work together easily.

Many people look back to the time we went out together. Can be riding with our old boyfriend. "I am a man enough." I dare to say that I stopped with my old boyfriend before I started. Because my parents have taught me to be a man of honor, to honor all women.

"Really?" I asked. We have a badge for a long time. But when it comes to marriage. I come to know a lot of history. Family of the same Even the brand was last seen last year. Because when you lose. We have just seen the badge. I'm not sure if that's the case. I want to wait. I also like to say. I would like to invite you. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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