After Jennifer Candle Pho Girl Suwan Go to the event The media interviewed as usual. But lately, it seems that the tragedy occurred when the girl was asked to have a rumor that Mickey was dating Janie in the middle of a fight with his ex-boyfriend . Gently "I think this question has no answer because I do not ask him for courtesy." (Read news from jen! When asked about Mickey's encounters with his ex-boyfriend.)
Then the interviewer took this story posted on the Internet. With the legend. "Do not tell the reporters in the office, I'm not sure how to do that Mum and Micky spoke clearly Thank you."
Mickey came to this answer. "I think that I and my mother @drsiriporn answer this question clearly, I do not know where to ask, I do not know what to say, he added:" @ mickey.a.np @janienineeleven The father asked to tell the reporter that he would explain to my father. There are no problems from the first day. You must learn to use breathing with Mickey for 9 months. Teaches & # 39; gentlemen & # 39; since you are in the belly of your mother. If you have this problem, two children to talk to your parents.
Fan section of Janie I came to see. This is a good example of how we can do it.
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