Mighty Satsarapat wanted to go back. Tell the reason for the abortion !?


Also a hilarious question in the social world with Hash Tag #Mung penguin why why abortion Mungphat Phattha after a press conference with the hero Captain Cholthorn, which causes the abortion. The cause should occur.

"The cause of the abortion is

." Mickey's health, including various diseases.
2. Stress is very stressful. Really I do not know where I am, I do not understand. The social world may look good. But he cried every day. Insomnia trying not to take new ones does not care. Damn that fucking thing. [Citation] I do not know what to do, but I'm not sure. This does not apply to other people's events.

3. I have a lot of work to do every day.

4 Do not take care of yourself because you should keep your old habits that can not change is not like that

5. Before I knew that he was almost two weeks pregnant, I had to drink alcohol quite often.

* This does not blame anyone for blaming themselves completely. *

The question that must be asked is certainly what we feel. We are not with us. I'm really sorry, I'm sorry for everything.

So back in time. I want to make it better. I must try to act as if nothing was happening. The fear of the social current to attack Mink. It is very difficult

there are also a lot of jobs to do and no extra work. The function of (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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