Minutes per minute from the cave to Luang Chiang Rai.


After the minutes of the minute, the ambulance left the Royal Cave before sending it to the ambulance and send it to Chiang Hospital Rai. Mae Sai, Mae Rai, Chiang Rai Help Wild Boar

5:05 pm. The ambulance 5 goes from the Royal Cave to the helipad

5:16 pm. The helicopter rises. Expect the head

17.33 Officers from the police office of the National Police Office visited the temporary police station near the Chiangrai Hospital, Prachanukroh, The umbrella spread . During the transfer of patients

17:37 the ambulance was driven out of the old airport. Temporary parking should travel. Hospital Chiang Rai Prachanukroh

17:38 the ambulance arrived. Chiang Rai Hospital Chiangrai Hospital

I am not sure if that is the case.
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