Miracles are Real Record of Joy (Clip)


I was similar to the Thai people in the country now. I was excited and happy with the news that 13 lives in a cave in the capital – Nang Nam Mae Nang. Chiang Rai Province

After a moment of encouragement and prayer, pray. "The Miracles Are Real" for 9 days, will be the 10.

Finally. Miracles are really here. When Chiang Rai governor Narongsak Osat Thanakorn issued a press release at 8 pm Monday night, the Seal unit found 13 wild boars

Everyone fled to a place far from Pattaya. The beach is about 300 meters and 400 meters high.

First, there is food and medicine for children. But the next step is to take the 13 children out of the cave. He also has floods.

Then, in the social media, the clips of the Royal Sea Navy SEAL were published.

] Listen to a simple conversation in English Interact with divers It takes about 5 minutes.

Since the sentence, the diver asked how many people he had. The children responded that 13 people to the sentence that the children asked us to go out. The diver responded to that. But not now We just came to two people, they must dive

including the comforting voice. "We'll come back, we'll meet a lot more."

I heard a child say "I'm hungry" or "I'm hungry", which the diver replied that I'm 39, was ready to wait.

] Finally, the kids asked. From where do you come from? And we hear the diver's answer, "English UK", followed by the chorus! [13] And can be consulted several times without annoying The joy of seeing you all alive And also strengthened Even in the cave for 10 days

Only an injury 16.710.430 people watched the video [19659002] The two divers who met the first children were Mr. Richard Stanton and Mr. John Woo Lantana plunges to save lives

Happiness is not just for Thais I think a lot of people Around the world who follow this news are relieved.

CNN and BBC News reports live on and on and on. wild boar day. 13
All the website of the news agency. All titles, even ESPN's sports information site, have been titled in front of Roger Federer, the best tennis player in the world. The first game of the match at Wimbledon

Do not forget that the news around the world. It is clear that you are a football player of the boar team.

If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above.You may need to register before you can post: click on the registration link above to continue. It must also be transported from the cave.

But that's all, at this point, it's satisfied and it's considered a miracle. The next step is even difficult.

When I talk about miracles, I think about rabbis.

I also cut the news on Wednesday, June 30th. The Thais keep it … It's the title that

"Maternity Moments … Kruba,

" Kruba Kham "is a Kruba Bunyaphum Yoon Roo Phra Maek Wat Don Rung Phung, Shan State, Myanmar

Do not forget to pay tribute to yourself (F, B, E, V, N, T, S)
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