Mother and daughter revealed the story after the reconciliation of cats 12 years ago.


Twelve-year-old friends for the best of both worlds, Surivipa and his last cousin, are back. The mother of cattleya cats is stuck to things in their minds that have been released after being trapped for a long time.

Recently, I had the opportunity to meet my mother in a good mood. Bobby Roberts have both revealed the feeling that has reigned in the mind for over 12 years. I must say that. It has been a long time. We will continue to go forward. And look at the children.

Glad to hear that you had the chance to meet your cousin.
"Really, we met before, you're the mother of the harmony we've met, I'm not sure that's the case, and the first time we met. you (laughs) "

" Asked if there was a chance to talk about the issue? Well, it's like going through. It's not worth taking back (smile) and really now I see this feeling of children.

"Everyone may want to ask. We need to clarify what needs adjusting, but I think you are here today. Grow every day. Read books.

And if the feeling of being hurt by the media or by children does not understand. We may have to tell everything.

So we look at what we have neglected. Let it go better. Because no It turns out that the problem is everything. It will be a new problem for my grandchildren. "

" The feeling of my brother, mom, is really open from this day. We felt that it was just a state of mind that we might not be able to handle at that time. Or does not work well. Because we have never experienced it. So it has become an atmosphere that everyone has seen. But if today it crystallized that. Then come back. I think we might do better to smile. "

We will both have the opportunity to work together again, because many people think of the old atmosphere.
" still do not have it. We have not closed the opportunity. I think that if it is appropriate. And it's an image that everyone thinks of seeing it as positive rather than negative. This should happen. Only now are we two busy.

"Really, I have not met yet, because everyone is busy as I say I have to go to England to alternate, because of his eldest son he studied in England. I have free time, I have to take care of two people at home

which makes our lifestyle quite different.I like to do some exercise.I see more of fat than ever.We told him to do some exercise.I have to do some exercise.But it turned out that I was too busy to work, so I n & # 39; I have not had the opportunity to see myself a lot. "

The husband's mother, Bobby Roberts, told the end.

"Bobby, I am very happy.Remember this day when he met at the nail salon.It is a good idea to take a look at it. The same (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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