At 4:20 pm, on July 4, the President of the National Legislative Council (VOIP) announced that after July 5, NIA meeting The amendments to the Buddhist law bill Sangha BE 2505 must be made without the creation of an extraordinary commission. As a representative of the Cabinet (Cabinet) clarified
However. Website of the State Council http://www.krisdika.go.th/wps/portal/general The results of the hearing of the bill. After hearing all the relevant sections. By the Office of the State Council. See there is a comment on the amendment of the Sangha Buddhist law. This will increase the royalty of the king without it. The State Council considered that the provision that the monarch has the power to appoint and withdraw monkhood from the monk. The appointment or dismissal of the president of the association. It is a royal authority, but old by tradition. The Constitution, from the past to the present, has guaranteed that. The king is the boss of the case, so it is a royal authority that exists under the Constitution. This is not a royal obligation to add anything for that correct understanding of ancient customs. Council of State The word has been corrected.
For the opinion of monks and the general public, commented. Should not politicians have the power to appoint members? Because politicians can be used as tools for political gain. State Council Consider this. The requirement that the prime minister be the recipient of the royal command, which is required by the king as well as the general law that has the same provisions. Matichon Online
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